All tagged Lifestyle Design
Setting a vision and embracing your vision can each yield powerful and long-lasting results for your life and your career. But what happens if your vision is feeling off or disconnected from your everyday life?
In my latest piece, I explore what happens when your vision isn’t resonating and steps to take toward alignment.
In this second installment on defining and articulating your vision, I share three exercises to help you align with your vision professionally and personally and walk through a high-level approach to develop a plan of action.
Defining and articulating your vision is essential. Since it covers various areas of your life, it makes a difference in leading a fulfilled and purposeful life versus feeling like an invisible, external force is leading you.
I like to refer to a vision as life’s utility tool. Join me as I share a three-part series on finding, defining, and articulating your vision, so it serves as your unwavering North Star.
For #WomensHistoryMonth, I will highlight various women in my network via Instagram and LinkedIn stories and those that I wish were :)